Freeing 2016年7月14日發售: 1/4 PVC Figure SNOW MIKU 27,800Yen連稅


The songstress is back again for the season of snow!

A huge 1/4th scale figure of SNOW MIKU, standing an impressive 42cm in height! The coloring of the popular Hatsune Miku figure has been switched over to the Snow Miku color scheme, with her translucent skin glowing and snowflake patterns added to various areas of her outfit creating a mystical atmosphere to the figure.

Fans will be proud to keep Snow Miku’s angelic smile by their side to enjoy whenever they please – in an impressive scale that stands above the rest!

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大迫力の全高約42cm、1/4スケールの「SNOW MIKU」が登場です。雪ミクらしい彩色と透き通るような肌、各所に散りばめられた雪の結晶が、幻想的な雰囲気を演出しています。もちろん1/4スケールの圧倒的な存在感はそのままに、雪の天使のほほ笑みをご堪能ください。

仕様: PVC製塗装済み完成品・1/4スケール・専用台座付属・全高 : 約420mm
原型制作: ひろし(桜前線)